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This is home to B. R. Maul’s Podcast

“Living God’s Way In An Ungodly World”

A Christian’s guide to living in God’s family in today’s world.

This podcast has a mission:
To SHARE the Gospel message.
To LEAD those who do NOT know their Savior to the feet of Jesus.
To TEACH the Bible the way it was written, in God’s word, not man’s traditions.

To ENCOURAGE born again believers to know, and to walk with, their Lord and God.


I’m not wasting my time, or yours, trying to win a popularity contest. I dig into the word of God and stay there. There is NO authority above, on the same level as, or even remotely close to the authority of God’s Holy Scriptures. We live in a world that’s trying to make its own rules. Now, more then ever, we need to remember WHO it is that truly rules!

“There is no wisdom or understanding or counsel against the Lord.” Proverbs 21:30

I’m your host…B. R. Maul

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